Pupil Premium
Overview of Pupil Premium Grant
Pupil Premium is a grant allocated to schools to support socially disadvantaged pupils.
It is not an individual entitlement and is not allocated to individual students.
The school has the responsibility for allocating the Pupil Premium funding to support pupils or groups of pupils who are legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged. We have to set our own criteria for how the money is best allocated in order to meet the needs of the greatest number of disadvantaged pupils.
At St Paul’s Primary, this funding will be allocated to ensure that children in this group reach their full potential academically, personally and socially. We look at the needs of individual pupils in these areas and allocate the funding accordingly. So, for example, funding may be provided to a sports club that will allow a pupil to have the same experiences as his or her peers, and thus raise his or her esteem.
Where funding is allocated to such an intervention it may be that some groups of pupils that benefit have a mixture of pupils entitled to Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) and those that do not. In this way, the benefits of PPG can extend beyond those pupils who were originally targeted.
Our aim for the Pupil Premium is to accelerate academic progress, to bring children to at least age-related expectations and to develop the children’s life chances, with trips, clubs and uniforms potentially included as part of our Pupil Premium spending.
Academic year |
Final spend, Impact and Future Planning |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
PPG Final Spend 2019-20 |
2020-21 |
PPG Planned Spend 2020-21 |
2021-22 |
PPG Strategy Statement 2021-22 |
2022-23 |
PPG Strategy Statement 2022-23 |
2023-24 |
PPG Strategy Statement 2023-24 |
Who is Eligible?
- Children whose parents are low-income earners and eligible for free school meals or who have been in the past 6 years
- Children who are 'looked after' for more than 6 months
- Children who have a parent in the Armed Services
- Children who are adopted
What are you entitled to?
- Additional support for your child's learning and or well-being
How do I register?
Registering is easy! You can by clicking this link
Other Support and Advice
Kingston Upon Thames Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB): click here